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Our Services

Care by Professionals You Can Trust

Our Practitioners provide Primary Care services to their patients. The following are just some of the services provided in our clinic:

  • Injections

  • Chronic Disease Management

  • Pap Smears and Breast Exams

  • Minor Surgical Excisions and suture removal

  • Third Party Medicals and Forms

  • Well-baby checkups

  • Prostate Exams

  • Prescription refills

  • Follow up and lab results

  • Referrals to specialists

  • Liquid Nitrogen (covered by MSP)

  • Liquid Nitrogen Cosmetic-Private Fee

Cancellations & No-Shows & Uninsured Services


If you are unable to attend your scheduled appointment, as a courtesy to both the practitioner and other patients the expectation for patients is to call and cancel their appointment 24 hours prior. See our No Show Policy for more information.


​All uninsured services such as Doctor’s notes, letters, forms etc. are subject to a fee and will not be completed or released to the patient or other agency until full payment is made. Please note we require prepayment for all forms, letters and notes.


As of April 1, 2024 rates for all uninsured services will be adjusted to reflect Doctors of BC rates for all Uninsured Services, these are the services that your Medical services plan of BC does NOT pay for. Please see the Notice for patients for these new adjusted rates.  

Forms & Uninsured Services:  As of April1, 2024 BC Family Doctors has published the Uninsured Service Rates in BC for Doctors to use, Uninsured Service Rates


Forms: Practitioners have 30 business days to complete forms. You will be called when your form is complete and ready for pick-up. Completion of letters, notes and forms reduces the time our physicians have for providing face to face patient care and the expectation is that these services are paid for. 


Our clinic accepts cash, cheque or  e-transfer. Please ensure payment is made at the time of your visit. 

Bridgeside Medical Clinic

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